Company Representatives

Home > Organization > Company Representatives
 1st  Company Bud Alexander


 2nd Company Alex Morris 


 3rd Company Bob Shumaker


 4th Company Chip Honsinger


 5th Company

Jack Clay


 6th Company Max Baldwin


 7th Company Ned Roberts


 8th Company

Dave Carre


 9th Company Jerry Fulk


10th Company Jim Murtland


11th Company Ken Godstrey


12th Company Don Kennedy


13th Company Dick Levendoski


14th Company Hal Moore


15th Company George Connolly


16th Company Malcolm Macdonald  


17th Company Joe Doebler
18th Company Angus McEachen


19th Company PJ Wilson


20th Company Jim Bruso


21st Company Bill La Barge 


22nd Company Roger Betts


23rd Company Worth Hobbs


24th Company John Bauman


Company Representative's Duties


Serve as an arm of the Executive Committee and the Class in reaching out to classmates, wives, and widows to stimulate interest and participation in class activities, maintain contact, currency, and concern with all classmates and class widows, help in maintaining the currency of the class data base for classmates and class widows, and stimulate flow of information to Shipmate, the 56 USNA Group Mailing List, and Class Webpage.


1. Currency of Class Data Base

  • Assist the Class Secretary/Database Manager, Doug Hayman at, in updating and maintaining the  class database of personal information, by reporting any changes to e-mail addresses, phone numbers, addresses, deaths, illnesses, remarriage, etc. for classmates, class widows, and wives.

  • Periodically contact each classmate and class widow in your company and verify data and changes to the information in the Class Register, November 2006, and the subsequent quarterly changes/updates posted on the class website.

  • For classmates, non-grads, and class widows whose personal data or whereabouts are unknown, undertake a search via various means and report results to the Class Secretary/Database Manager.

    The Class Secretary/Database manager will provide names in your Company from time to time who fit this category along with suggested search mechanisms and data sources.

  • Follow up on classmates whose bios are missing from the 50th Reunion Golden Lucky Bag. We need to have a bio on every classmate toward having a complete class history through reunion books etc, retained by the USNA library as a branch of the National archives.

    The Class Secretary will provide the names for the missing bios for you to pursue.

2. Provide Information On, and Encourage Participation in, Class Activities

  • Follow up, following formal class announcements, via phone, e-mail, etc. as a reminder and to encourage attendance at mini-reunions and other class functions -- national and local -- especially on non- or late registrations for the major ( 5-year) reunions. 

  • Ascertain that news of the various class activities filter down to all classmates and class widows of your company and non-grads (where possible).

  • Help in organizing mini-reunions or other class activities being held in your geographical area or specific location.

3. Maintain Lines of Communications With Class Widows (who Indicate a Desire to Continue Participation) and Involvement in Class Activities and to Maintain Contact with Classmates, Wives, and Other Widows.

  • Help in reaching our goal of including updates on approximately 2-3 widows for our Shipmate column in every issue,

    You will be asked from time to time by either the Class Corresponding Secretary or Executive Committee Chairman to call / interview a class widow from your company on such as latest news, personal data changes, activities involved in, hobbies, children and grandchildren, travel, keeping up, or desire to keep up, with the class/activities.

    Result will be a summary paragraph submission to the Corresponding Secretary, Dan Garges at for publishing in our Shipmate column--with copy to the Executive Committee Chairman, George Mushalko at

  • Encourage widows’ inputs to you on any significant changes or status in their lives or activities. If you deem appropriate forward to our Shipmate Corresponding Secretary.

  • Encourage participation in local activities like scheduled luncheons, other special events like Christmas Dinners, Army/Navy socials, Navy home football game tailgates, Homecoming. etc., especially if in same locale as the function.

  • Coordinate from time to time with the Widows Advisor to the Executive Committee, currently Nancy Henry at to assure no overlap or duplication of actions concerning widows.

  • Ask class widows if need any help on military matters, especially when there are major personnel or benefits changes affecting them and on arranging to attend class activities.

4. Make Periodic Contact with Classmates, Widows, and Wives for Timely Updates on:

  • Human interest type developments like unique travel episodes, avocations, moves, charitable activities, family developments, life or lifestyle changes, new unique post-retirement activities, etc. If suitable for Shipmate and of interest to the Class submit to Dan Garges our Shipmate correspondent with info to George Mushalko, Executive Committee Chairman. (

  • Obituaries and Memorial Chairs: Periodically you may be called upon, by the Class Secretary or in some cases by the Class Chairman, to work with the immediate family in developing an obituary for Shipmate.

    The Class Secretary may also solicit your help in obtaining a stadium memorial chair for a deceased classmate of your company. Your involvement will be most helpful toward our having a timely Shipmate obituary and a Navy-Marine Corps Stadium memorial chair for every deceased classmate.

Questions, Concerns, Suggestions: Contact George Mushalko

For all contact information please see the Class Register.

For the ID and password, please contact

Contact information on this web site is intended for use by those directly associated with the USNA Class of 1956. 

Any other use, including commercial purposes, is unauthorized unless authorized in writing by the appropriate class representative. 

For questions on this policy please contact Alex Morris 941-928-7234