
Home > Organization > Widows

The widows directory can be found here: Widow's Directory
For the ID and password, please contact webmaster@usna56.org

Widows of the Class of 1956:

Our aim is to have all widows continue as an integral part of the class and, as you can see, are rightly listed under class organization.   Thus we want you to participate in many class activities, keep us informed of your whereabouts and happenings, and sharing news about you with the other widows and, of course, all of us through Shipmate.  We interview at least two widows for our column to let us all know how you’re doing and share your thoughts with other widows reading the column—Over 60 as of January 2016.


Our Widows Advisor to the Executive Committee and the class is Nancy Henry (hoss656@aol.com

) who lives in Annapolis and is thus familiar with class and Academy activities and attends many class events such as tailgates/football games.   Talk to Nancy for any help or encouragement you need to get involved/attend our reunions, mini-reunions, luncheons, special events.   For instance should you like to attend a function or attend a reunion she can help coordinate with other widows.  


George and Nancy would really appreciate any comments/help to get more widows involvement with 1956 Family, e.g., an increase of widows’ attendance at our San Diego, Tidewater, and Washington luncheons and special events.   And if you’d like to submit something to the Shipmate column such as a special event, etc in your life that you’d like to share with us send it to Dan Garges (mag_dan56@yahoo.com), our Shipmate correspondent.

For all contact information please see the Class Register.

For the ID and password, please contact webmaster@usna56.org