Timothy J. Cronin

Tim graduated from high school in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.  He entered the Naval Academy via the Marine Corps and a Secretary of the Navy appointment.  Tim did well academically and spent spare time on things electronic and electrical.  He enjoyed sports and was a good friend to all. 


At graduation Tim was commissioned in the Marine Corps.  He went to Basic School followed by flight training.  He then was assigned to helicopters at MCAS Beaufort and Okinawa.  He attended USNPGS Monterey where he earned a masters degree in electrical engineering.  Several assignments involved RDT and E, Headquarters Marine Corps, and MCDEC, Quantico.  Operational tours were in helicopters highlighted by serving as Commanding Officer of HMM-363 in Vietnam during the period 1968-1969.  Tim retired from the Marine Corps in 1975.  His many awards included the Bronze Star.


Tim’s civilian endeavors included working as Planning and Control Manager on the Saudi Naval Expansion Program for HBH Corporation in Virginia.  He then became a professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida.  He was active in the South Daytona Lions Club and was District Governor at the time of his death, 16 May, 2000.  Tim was predeceased by his wife Jeanne and survived by one daughter and two sons.